Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Film Strips!

Today I simply chose a picture, I liked the butterfly because of the contrast between it and the flowers. Using filters in GIMP, I was able to create multiple versions of the same image, some include neon, water ripple, old photo, cartoon, and a lava effect that made the image look charcoal. Once I was completely finished I had all the images open (first only the butterflies, and then the flowers), and then clicked on filters, combine, and film strip.

This image is very large and in order to view all the flowers I had to keep it smal.

Monday, March 25, 2013


To make this tree I had to make multiple layers. First I began with the trunk, and making a shadow. Then, I used a brush to make branches, and on another the leaves were made. Finally adding a drop shadow finalized the picture.
For this logo I used an angular
gradient like most of my previous logos. Also
I used a gradient on a duplicate of the tree,
but locking the layer caused the gradient to
 be only on the inside of the tree. As for the fond I
liked this one becasue it appears to be wood.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Tribal Tattoo

 This is the arm I modified by using the clone tool to remove the strap on the woman's arm.
On this arm I placed a color tribal dragon tattoo that I copied. To accomplish this I had to select only the dragon using the select by color tool, then inverting it. This allowed me to only copy the dragon rather than the white  and dragon together. Also reducing the opacity gave the image a "real" look. Finally, rotating and scaling the image to the arm allowed me to officially give my first tattoo.
On this Arm I simply duplicated the image from the picture above and applied threshold, making the image completely black. Reducing the opacity was the finally touch.

On this final image I applied the techniques from the second image (colored dragon) and presto!

GIMP Ch. 2

Lesli Ferra
Student Number:

GIMP: Chapter 2: Improving Digital Photos

PART 1: READ Chapter 2 in the GIMP book, then:

  1. Answer all questions below, briefly but completely.
  2. Change the color of the answer to BLUE.
  3. Copy this information and paste in a new post in your DIGITAL GRAPHICS blog

1.     What happens to an image when you SCALE it? Does the canvas size change when you SCALE an image?
When we scale an image we make it smaller, but the canvas size is not affected.
2.     Why should you scale images you take on a digital camera  before sending them in email or posting them on the web? Smaller images load faster.
3.     Why is it important to make sure the width and height of an image you are going to scale are linked together? How do you do this in GIMP? The image would be altered or distorted.
4.     What is the keyboard shortcut to UNDO? Ctrl+Z
5.     What does the SCALE TOOL do? It lets one scale interactively.
6.     What is the difference between the IMAGEàSCALE from the menu and the SCALE TOOL? It only works on the current layer, and we end up with a funhouse mirror effect.
7.     Describe these JPG quality settings:
·       Optimize: Reduces file size without losing quality
·       Progressive: Helpful for picture that are going to be uploaded online; gradually improves the image as it downloads, rather than line by line.
·       Save EXIF data: Has the ability to add data about a certain picture.
·       Comment: A place to add text to a picture.
8.     Why would you decrease the quality setting of a JPG image? Decreasing the quality of an image would make it so it takes up less space.
9.     Compare the size of a 95% quality setting to a 100% setting of a JPG image: Using the 100% will produce a file two or three times larger than setting of 95%
10.  If you save a JPG file at 100%, do you preserve ALL the data in the image? What formats should you use if you want to preserve all the data? No, even using a 100% will still loose data sometimes. One should safe as a PNG or TIFF
11.  Describe what it means when you INDEX a file such as a GIF or PNG file. When you INDEX a file it means that you use a fixed number of colors, this helps to make the size of the picture smaller.
12.  What is RGB color mode? This mode uses different combinations of red, blue, and green to make unique effects.
13.  What is dithering? This combines pixels of several colors and creates different effects.
14.  What is grayscale mode? Desaturation of an image.
15.  What does interlacing a file do? Interlacing allows an image to lad in different ways
16.  What is cropping? In a sense cutting a picture so you can have only what you want.


Briefly describe these graphic file types:
NOTE: It is important to learn these types of files to be a proficient graphic artist, so pay attention when you describe these file types.
1.     JPEG: Best for sharing full-color photos, but not for editing over and over.
2.     GIF: Uses a fixed list of colors, it is very efficient for images with small number of colors like a five color porate logo. GIF however, doesn’t allow for partial transparency; a pixel is either fully transparent or not at all.
3.     PNG: Has two modes; it can be used for full-color images, though not as efficient as JPEG. Older browsers will not support basic PNG, so they may not display properly. Also animation is not supported.
4.     XCF: GIMPS own format. A lot of layers. They are very large. Only GIMP recognizes them.
5.     TIFF: Another full-color non lossy format. Not very compact.
6.     Raw: Used by camera manufacturing.
7.     BMP: Quite large and don’t offer any advantage over PNG or TIFF, only safe in this format when you need to if not use a different format.
8.     PSD: Saves layers and other information, PSD is really two formats.
9.     ICO: Can contain several resolutions in one file, GIMP can read and write ICO files directly.
10.  PDF : Vector graphics formats, not pixel graphics. GIMP cannot edit vector graphics directly.


Be sure to save these images in your GIMP folder before inserting them in this document.
1.     Go to the web site for this book:
2.     Look through the menus on the left to see the supplemental information provided for you about the book.
3.     Click on the PHOTOS FROM THE BOOK link, and scroll down to see the images for Chapter 2.
4.     Download and save these images: Red Rock Canyon (the 4th image), Canyonlands (5th image),  American kestrel (the bird), Ethan (the little boy).
5.     With the Red Rock Canyon image, apply the following color techniques as indicated in the textbook on pages 38-50 (try dragging the sliders in each dialog box to see how they change the image, then UNDO to restore the image back to the original), then DESCRIBE what each does:
·       Brightness- Contrast: Lightens and brightens the photo
·       Levels: Lightens and brightens the photo. Uses a slider.
·       Curves: Lightens and brightens the photo. Uses graphs and a mobile line.
·       Threshold: Changes the photo to black and white. Slider adds darkness.
·       Desaturation: Changes the photo to only shades of gray.
6.     When you have applied these techniques to the Red Rock Canyon image, apply THRESHOLD to the image, save it, then insert it here:
7.     With the Canyonlands image, use Rotation to adjust the image as indicated on pages 51-55. Save the rotated and insert here:
8.     With the Kestral image, use the Sharpening techniques indicated on pages 55-59. Save the sharpened image and insert here:
9.     With the little boy, Ethan, image, correct the Red-Eye as indicated on pages 61-66. Save the corrected image and insert here:

GIMP Ch. 8

Lesli Ferra
Student Number:

GIMP: Chapter 8: Color

PART 1: READ Chapter 2 in the GIMP book, then:

  1. Answer all questions below, briefly but completely.
  2. Change the color of the answer to BLUE.
  3. Copy this information and paste in a new post in your DIGITAL GRAPHICS blog.

1.     Briefly define the following color terms:
·       Additive color: Combination of red, green and blue lights
·       Subtractive color: Adding shades of paint to a reflecting surface to make an image darker
·       HSV color: Hue, Saturation, and Value. Instead of splitting and image into separate color components USV uses conceptual properties of the image.
·       CMYK color: Enable professionals to control over how much of the black gets mixed in when the image is printed.
2.     What is the relationship between additive and subtractive color?: They are mirror of each other, yet they have their own rules about how colors work. Once mixed they produce an effect called additive secondary
3.     How many bits do most computers use to represent color?
 See the Important Note below regarding bit color.: Modern computers have 32 pixels that represent color.
4.     What is the TRIANGLE COLOR SELECTOR used for?: This provides an alternate HSV interface instead of a vertical slider.
5.     What is the TRIANGLE COLOR SELECTOR used for? This provides an alternate HSV interface instead of a vertical slider.

In GIMP, the bit break-down is:
·       RGB Channel: 8 bits for RED, 8 bit for GREEN, 8 bits for BLUE
·       ALPHA Channel: 8 bits for TRANSPARENCY
An Alpha value indicates the transparency of a pixel. Besides its Red, Green and Blue values, a pixel has an alpha value. The smaller the alpha value of a pixel, the more visible the colors below it [the greater the transparency]. A pixel with an alpha value of 0 is completely transparent. A pixel with an alpha value of 255 (or Hex ff) is fully opaque.
With some image file formats, you can only specify that a pixel is completely transparent or completely opaque [JPGs are always opaque]. Other file formats allow a variable level of transparency [such as GIF and PNG].
From the GIMP Glossary:


1.     HEX Web Colors: Go to this link to find more about web colors:
From the information in this Wiki article, analyze the following hex values and describe what color of each (the first is done for you):
A. #cc22cc   Color:  purple         (Notice the high RED and high BLUE values)
B. #ff0000   Color:  Red
C. #0000bb   Color:  blue
D. #000000   Color: Black
E. #11ff11   Color:  Green
F. #999999   Color: Grey                 (What color is it when all the hex digits are the same?)
2.     HEX Web Colors Image:
·       Now open GIMP and create a new 600 X 600 art canvas.
·       Choose the BRUSH Tool.
·       Click on the Foreground Color Picker at the bottom of the Toolbox and type in the first color (#cc22cc) from the list above. 
·       Use a calligraphic brush to draw out the word PURPLE across the canvas. See the sample here à
·       Create a new layer.
·       Now enter the second color above (#ff0000) in the Color Picker, and draw out the appropriate color word with the Brush on the new layer.
·       Continue adding new layers with the appropriate color names for each of the colors above. (The color words can overlap, be at angles, be different sizes, different transparencies, etc. You can also add brush decorations, shapes, etc. if you like to create an interesting, attractive image.)
·       Save the image as a JPG in your GIMP folder with the file name Hex Colors
·       Delete the sample image (“Purple”) and insert your own  Hex Colors image here:
3.     Color Adjustments:
·       Go to the web site for this book:
·       Click on the PHOTOS FROM THE BOOK link, and scroll down to see the images for Chapter 2.
·       Download and save these images:  Yosemite Storm, the yellow flower, Dave (image of man at a table, right after the yellow flower image),   and the Shakespeare page.
·       With the images you downloaded, follow the instructions in pages 303 through 319 to adjust various color properties.  You do not have to complete the entire chapter;  you may stop just before Indexed  Color on page 219. (Of course, you are more than welcome to complete the chapter if you like.)
·       After the adjustments, save the final version of the images, then insert the final  adjusted images here:
Yosemite Storm:
Yellow Flower:
Shakespeare Page: